Hannah Jefferson has left the building…
August 28, 2008

Well it happened. It ended.

What I find admirable about the Clintons is that they know how to turn humiliation into a tool. It is somewhat analogous to the late night talk show hosts, sans Jay Leno, who appear humble by constantly making self-deprecating comments about their appearances. The Clintons don’t hide from their scandals and losses—they transform them into something the American people accept with open arms.

That’s what needs to be done with this European campaign. Altheimer must now resolve the complications we faced in Colorado Springs and here in Denver. Like Hillary, he needs to face his failure and convert it into a success. It’s a no-brainer that Europe won’t dominate the US, but his campaign can promote something else close to it, something that is far closer to winning.

As Obama gains strenght, Altheimer continues to dig his own grave. When he whipped out the Europeans Against Obama sign, Carol-Hannah tried to grab it and rip it up. She made her stand by physically brawling with her campaign advisor in front of the convention center. Eventually they walked away from one another–forever.

While Altheimer was angering Obama delegates, Carol-Hannah was ripping all her Europe for President accessories of her person and figuring out which of the four recycling bins they belonged in. A Belgian member of the European parliament approached her and asked for the sign that said European Hope.

Altheimer is a pendulum. Now he is off to St. Paul Minnesota where he may win the hearts of some republicans. A storm brews in the carribean. Everyone is calling it “Hannah”. She finally made it on all the major news channels and found a way to channel all her energy that had been building up on the road through the beautiful southwest. Meanwhile, Carol will vote for Obama. As will I. The Austrian crew will dream of croissants and their own beds on their way across the atlantic with over 30 hours of footage which will air in Europe during the first week of November. I’m back off to California for a three-day romp before I return to Brooklyn. Hopefully, Dennis will join me to San Francisco with his camera.  Check back in to see updates on the film and the footage cut out from my diary. Au Revoir!

©2008 davidrager.org

Note: This is a design by David Rager. Expect to see this on the chests and totes of attractive people across the globe in the coming years.